Monday, September 27, 2010

Finally, at Oxford

So, the day has finally arrived--starting from today, I'll be living at Stanford House in Oxford. My room is like a midrange hostel, very spacious, lots of closet/drawer space, but the sinks/showers are all located elsewhere. The walls are a beige color, and all the furniture seems to be made of oak. Some annoying factors 1) the desk has a bunch of shallow drawers that don't really seem to be useful at all, 2) the room is really hot 3) NO WIFI WHAT KIND OF BACKWARD COUNTRY IS THIS?! I think the last one is the most upsetting.

On a whole, though, the entire house is like a labyrinth. Apparently, this house was made by connecting a bunch of disparate houses together via halls and stairways after knocking the walls down. That explains why, to get to my room, I have to walk up two flights of stairs, turn right, walk up another flight, walk down a flight, then  enter a door before encountering the door of my room. There are loads of white doors everywhere, and they all look the same. It's ridiculously easy to get lost--end up in other sections of the house, other floors (and I don't even know how those are defined), other kitchens, showers, etc.

Like the rest of Oxford, the house is also really old. For starters, the showers are smaller than the ones in Cedro--and that's saying something. Every time I reach up to wash my hair, my elbow inevitably makes contact with one of the walls. But I think the object that best embodies the time period this house was built in is the washing machine. I couldn't really figure out if I was using it correctly, and even though my clothes came out okay, I still don't know if I did the right thing or not. Gah.

Anyways, aside from exploring the house today, I did some grocery shopping. Oxford doesn't officially start until 10/3, and until then, we have to make our own meals. Problem? I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING ASIAN!!! I was planning on getting noodles and making noodle soup, or chow mein, but there's only pasta. No Asian vegetables either. I really don't know what I'm going to do for the next 10 days. My perfect plan is ruined. (Read: Maybe I should learn to cook a more diverse set of meals.)

PS: I like how I'm already starting classes and Oxford, but I've yet to upload and blog about the majority of my trip in Germany. I blame lack of internet and shooting in .NEF. I promise I will finish someday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea
    I'm your little sib Linda. I was in the UK for the past two years and spent quite a lot time at Cambridge. But I also knew Oxford and the Costwold region quite well. Yes the food is awful, but there is a pretty good Chinese shop on the way to the train station. And I know tons of tips to make your life in Britain more enjoyable . Write me emails~
