Thursday, October 21, 2010

All the way back in Germany...

...We went to this small town known as Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It's a really scenic town that still retains many medieval structures, such as its massive city wall, and as a result, there were SO many Asian tourists there. My mom and I of course being two of them. Anyways, since I had the time (read: I am slacking off on immunology), I thought I would post some old pictures on a lighter note.

Of course, since ever town had a Church, this is a mandatory photo. We were allowed to fully enter, though.

The best part about this town was its Kriminalmuseum. Its exactly as it sounds: there were exhibits on torture and the instruments used for them, along with displays about what were considered crimes in the day. I took a few pictures on the hilarious ones.

Stepping on someone's foot shows who's boss. There was another sign that said if a man let his wife beat him up and it was witnessed by others, he had to leave his house, because if he couldn't defend himself against his wife, then he wasn't man enough to deserve a house.

If women were arguing in public, they were put in these neck violins to learn behave before it would be taken off. It was sometimes used for married couples as well.

If you played bad music in public, you would be subjected to this instrument of shame, and you would have to hold it all day. The guy next to him is wearing a shame mask. For example, excessive gossipers wore this mask with a long tongue and huge ears.
This is for Kai: being too fashionable was a crime, too. Apparently the police had the right to rip the clothes off too...

If you were caught absolutely plastered in public, the next day you had to walk around in this.

Finally, Rothenburg ob der Tauber also had toy museums--Christmas is a really big deal in this town, so they're quite famous for some of their toys. The cutest?

1 comment:

  1. haha poor deprived peasants ! asides from not bathing regularly, being subject to all types of diseases and leading generally miserable lives, they couldn't dress up! :(
