Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I don't think I've even been so unprepared for work before! Writing the tutorial essay was a lot harder than I thought it'd be--there's so much information to synthesize and condense into ~2000 words. I finished reading about 11 papers, and it was so hard to sit down, organize all that info, and write something comprehensible.

Anyways, the beginning of this week was really busy. I had to catch up on all that reading and writing, and today, my alarm clock didn't ring. I missed my only class of the day--Victorian literature, ironically the class I would never voluntarily miss. And of course that has to be the class with only 6 people in it. To top it off, they were discussing A Woman in White, which is one of my favorite books.

Then, I didn't pass the swim test for the crew team, so I can't row. I'm kind of regretful about it, but there's no way I can go to the make-up test, since I'll be in Bath...yes, Kai, I will go to the Jane Austen center this time. I think?

Also, Oxford bops are the best. They played this song, hahaha. Guess which part everyone yelled out during it.

I should also add that I've started adding photos of food and York to facebook, because now there are people in them, haha.

Currently reading: Lady Audley's Secret.

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