Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I'm currently kind of sick, so here is the long-overdue Harry Potter post I promised you guys early on.

The tree on the left is where they filmed Draco Malfoy as the amazing bouncing ferret.  I don't think I was paying a lot of attention while Cole was talking about this, which is why the tree is chopped in half. But it's huge in real life. Courtyard of New College (ironically, one of the oldest colleges in Oxford).

Can I also just say that I love autumn in England? The colors of the trees are amazing.

Another nice tree. This is still New College, and I should mention that this was probably the college where Arthur Conan Doyle's short story "Lot 249" took place. You know, only the first book ever to feature a mummy brought back to life?

The Divinity school--the corner on the right is where they filmed the infirmary scenes, especially in the Chamber of Secrets.

If this staircase looks familiar, it's the entrance to the Great Hall. Also, this is where Hermione appeared for the first time in the Yule Ball, and, I quote my junior dean, "the guys realize she's actually smoking hot."

This is one of the many stained glass windows in the Christ Church dining hall. On the top left hand side, where there's small emblem of a girl? That's Alice Liddell, a former dean's daughter and the inspiration for "Alice in Wonderland."

Finally, the great hall!!! Also in Christ Church.

I just want to add that the only people who get into Christ Church are people who are really well-connected or have excellent pedigrees. It's basically like Slytherin: everyone's a snob, everyone's set for life already, and everyone hates them. Bahhhh.


  1. ok, this could be my favorite post haha the hp pictures really made me smile lol
